Wycoller - Bronte Country - Jane Eyre
Wycoller Hall built by the Hartley family in the latter part of the 16th century. In the 18th century it was owned by Squire Henry Owen Cunliffe, when he died in 1818 he left substantial debts, it slowly went into disrepair as the stonework was taken and used for other buildings. The friends of Wycoller were set up in 1948 with the primary aim to preserve the Hall.
Wycoller Hall built by the Hartley family in the latter part of the 16th century. In the 18th century it was owned by Squire Henry Owen Cunliffe, when he died in 1818 he left substantial debts, it slowly went into disrepair as the stonework was taken and used for other buildings. The friends of Wycoller were set up in 1948 with the primary aim to preserve the Hall.

Wycoller Hall is thought to be "Ferndean Manor” in Charlotte Brontes novel "Jane Eyre”.
"The manor-house of Ferndean was a building of considerable antiquity, moderate size, and no architectural pretensions, deep buried in a wood. I had heard of it before……. To this house I came just ere dark on an evening marked by the characteristics of sad sky, cold gale, and continued small penetrating rain. The last mile I performed on foot, having dismissed the chaise and driver with the double remuneration I had promised. Even when within a very short distance of the manor-house, you could see nothing of it, so thick and dark grew the timber of the gloomy wood about it. Iron gates between granite pillars showed me where to enter, and passing through them, I found myself at once in the twilight of close-ranked trees."
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.
The Picture is of the Pack-Horse bridge.

A sequence from the film "The Railway Children” was shot at Wycoller, Dr Forrest (Peter Bromilow) is driving a pony and trap through the ford by the Pack-Horse Bridge where he meets Bobbie (Jenny Agutter) who is sitting on the Bridge. He drives her home where they discuss her mother’s health and paying the Doctors fees.
Seven bridges cross Wycoller Beck. The Clam bridge a single slab of gritstone is thought to be over a 1000 yrs old, was swept away in 1990 and has now been restored. It is listed as an Ancient Monument.
It is believed that a Farmers daughter tripped on the grooves caused by the wear from weavers clogs on the Clapper Bridge in 1912 and died from the fall. After the tragic accident the Farmer chiseled the grooves flat.
Seven bridges cross Wycoller Beck. The Clam bridge a single slab of gritstone is thought to be over a 1000 yrs old, was swept away in 1990 and has now been restored. It is listed as an Ancient Monument.
It is believed that a Farmers daughter tripped on the grooves caused by the wear from weavers clogs on the Clapper Bridge in 1912 and died from the fall. After the tragic accident the Farmer chiseled the grooves flat.